Interview with Subba Maturi on his 80th birthday

Raj Maturi (son) interviews his father, Subba Maturi (80 yrs) on his birthday. Dad shares his dreams and wishes, as well as his wonderful philosophy of always having a smile - no matter the cirucumstances.

Grandfather interviewed about Vietnam era issues

This is a conversation with my Grandfather Fred Stidman about his experiences during the Vietnam war era when he was a college and then medical student (Johnson County Junior College, University of Kansas, and KU Med). During that tumultuous time,...

Jameson Interviews Tricia about Lena Teinila, Her Mother's Unsolved Murder, Rejection, and Reconciliation

Jameson O'Neal talks with his mother, Tricia O'Neal, about her mother, Lena Teinila, as well as several other family members. Jameson and Tricia discuss rejection, reconciliation, and how those life lessons come full circle. Lena Teinila's homicide is the only...