2021 Thanksgiving Listen Project- May and Dan Devine
November 29, 2021 App Interview

I sat down with my dad to discuss his childhood, important lessons, and funny memories.

Interviewing my mom

Talked about my moms childhood, memories, experiences, and life lessons.

The life of my grandma when Shell inmigrantes

My grandma is falling about her life and how Shell got to the place Shell is now.


We talked about many things that makes me get to know him better

Thanksgiving Listen

This interview was a way for me to connect with my mother on another level. I already talk a lot with my mom but i would never think twice about what was asked.

A life worth living

I interviewed my grandma Paulette Haile she is 78.We talked about how her and her spouse met. Their happiest moments together.And if you could go back and relive your teenage years would you ?