Vietnam war and 1968 democratic convention

American Studies Interview Project

Interview with my mother about her step father, Richard.

me and my grandpa

i learned a lot about my grandfather throughout his 78 years of life

The 1960’s with Patricia Bowman

Patricia Bowman recalls events that occurred in the 1960s.

LHP project 1950s

We talked about what my grandma’s life was like living as an Irish immigrant in the 1950s in America

“Standing up” at UVA

Lois Doyle Schwall tells us a story about her time as a student at the University of Virginia in the late 1950’s and about how she literally and metaphorically stood up against racial segregation at the University.

Mom’s 75th Year: Early Childhood Memories of Growing Up in San Diego Post WWII

A special interview with my Mother about her memories of early childhood growing up in San Diego, post WW II.