Thanksgiving Interview with My Nana

In this interview I ask my Nana questions about important events throughout her life.

Mary Catherine Harrison Wallace 2016

On Tuesday, December 27, 2016, Sheri Lynn Bergeron interviewed her aunt, Mary Catherine Harrison Wallace. Sheri’s daughters, Olivia and Christina along with Christina’s husband, Anthony, were also in attendance. Aunt Cat spoke of her childhood in the south, the story...

Interview project

We spoke about America and how her views are and how America could improve

Humanities 195 (Fall 2019)

Why did you choose NAU? Why is college important to you?

“It wasn’t easy” – Growing up in New York

My grandfather talks about the changes he experienced and how difficult life was growing up in New York with nothing. He discusses his relationship with his brother and some stories from schooling in Cuba. How he managed to overcome immense...

Talking to my Kuya

i talked to my older brother about various topics such as school, transitioning from philippine life to us life, and his health. he then proceeded to ask /me/ some personal questions. sorry that 2/3 of my face is cropped off...

Loren & Veneta Lesher- 1957

Loren (age 94) and Veneta (age 90) have been married over 70 years. They are sharing stories from each year of their lives together. This interview covers the year 1957, their fifth year of marriage.

Final US History Interview

Caption Robert Asmann and I discussed his active role in the military during the attacks of 9/11. As well, we discussed terrorism in America, feeling towards these attacks, and influences of these attacks on America as a whole.

101-Year-Old Arnold Duevel Talks about a Century of Life

Arnold Duevel talks about growing up in Central Minnesota. Born in 1918, he shares vivid memories of his childhood and teen-aged years. A decorated World War II veteran, Arnold has led a long and momentous life.