My interview with my grandma

What we talked about in this interview was about my grandma’s life and some of her accomplishments

How these things transcend time
November 27, 2017 App Interview

Gerard McGrinder was raised in the Bronx, New York by two hard working catholic Irish Immigrants. One of 12 siblings, Gerard had many experiences very unlike those children have today. Despite being raised in conditions that did not provide much...

Sally Jaimes was talking about how she grew up in New York, Bronx and how it was like in 911.

Sally and I talked in our own house in North Carolina on November 26, 2017. We talked about how it was like growing up in New York and life in general. Then we talked about childhood and best friends including...

Mom and Dads Wedding Interview

This is an interview of my parents in which we talk about their wedding and their honeymoon in South Africa.

Some Words From My Mother
November 24, 2017 App Interview

She was a good sport about the interview even though she doesn't like having to answer on the spot. I spent most of my interview asking her about her childhood and memories in general.

Growing up back in the day

Hello everyone, this interview is about growing up back in the day. My participants name is Vinny Mauro and he is 60 years old. This interview goes over Vinny‘s childhood and advice for the future generations.

Nonna: Reflections on Immigrating from Italy to NYC

I talked with my Nonna about her life in Italy, what is was like to immigrate to NY and raise a family here, and tried to solicite life advice from her.

Thanksgiving listen

We talked about life growing up and tragic events