A journey to the past.

This was an interview I did with my mother about her past events and thoughts. The interview took place in the kitchen of our apartment in Orange County. I asked my mom about her childhood and how she was raised,...

Current and Past Relationships

In this interview, conducted in Chicago, Illinois, Ulises Martinez, my father, shared with me some of the relationships he had with his family and friends. Some of them being very happy and other really sad, he shares what he had...

The Vietnam Refugee Experience

Vietnam refugee experience in Thailand and Immigrant experience in America.

Brad and Dad

I learned about my dads childhood and what he endured all the way to meeting my mom and having me.

Things about Daddy

Father/daughter q&a with daughter interviewing. Questions about childhood, family, military service and parenthood.

My Mother As You Knew Her

My 88 year-old father talks about his relationship with my mother