The first man in his family to leave to come to America- My Father

In this interview, I talk to my dad about his life growing up in India and how his transition was coming to America creating a new life from scratch.

Sameer speaks with his mother.

Sameer and his mother Mahmoodah have a conversation about Mahmoodah's journey from Pakistan to American and becoming a doctor and raising a family along the way.

Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family.

Jenny Rask: 2020-11-16 00:25:40 Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family. Starting off talking about the 2020 elections and Biden/Harris winning the election, turning the republican dominated senate democratic. He remember the life...

Interview with my dad-Great thanksgiving listen 2018

An interview with my dad about his childhood and early adulthood

Historical methods interview with Mom

My mom is a loving person but does not like to show emotion or admit to them. I realized it would be difficult to try and get depth into her answers