Mugshots: Barbara Colucci & Patricia LaVecchia

Sisters Barbara and Patricia are New Jersey natives who have been coming to Musikfest for a couple of years. Their one word to best describe Musikfest is EXCITING and FANTASTIC.

Mugshots: Brian Smith

Brian is from Central New Jersey, and has been coming to Musikfest since he was a little boy in the 90's. His one word to describe Musikfest is UNPREDICTABLE.

Mugshots: Sharon Polly-Boes

Sharon discovered Musikfest 8 years ago when she moved from New York, and has loved it ever since. Her one word to best describe Musikfest is FUN.

Mugshots: Christine Trux and Thomas Bradley

Christine and Thomas met at Musikfest at the Fetzplatz a few years back, thus changing their lives for the better. Now Christine and Thomas are married and got married on the very first day of Musikfest on August 4, 2017....

Mugshots: Kassie Hilgert

Kassie is the president and CEO of ArtsQuest. In her interview, Kassie's word to best describe Musikfest is COMMUNITY.