Talking to my Kuya

i talked to my older brother about various topics such as school, transitioning from philippine life to us life, and his health. he then proceeded to ask /me/ some personal questions. sorry that 2/3 of my face is cropped off...

Final US History Interview

Caption Robert Asmann and I discussed his active role in the military during the attacks of 9/11. As well, we discussed terrorism in America, feeling towards these attacks, and influences of these attacks on America as a whole.

Betty’s Life
November 28, 2022 App Interview

Betty Mechanic Lambert Thorpe is my 94 year old mother. She talks about her family, move to California, and her past and current hobbies.

101-Year-Old Arnold Duevel Talks about a Century of Life

Arnold Duevel talks about growing up in Central Minnesota. Born in 1918, he shares vivid memories of his childhood and teen-aged years. A decorated World War II veteran, Arnold has led a long and momentous life.

My fathers 9/11 experience

In this interview you get an inside look of how a Latino man experience with the tragedy of 9/11

First day of school

How was the first day of school

Mother/daughter interview

We talked about growing up, school, tennage jobs, teenage years, how life is different now than it was back in the 80s/90s, jobs, and money. Overall I think my mom gives some really good advice/statements throughout the interview.

Fred Jones and Rachel Schmidt

Rachel Schmidt (41) sits down with her father, Fred Jones (79), to ask him about his young adult years. Fred shares stories from his time studying at the Georgia Institute of Technology and from his time serving in the U.S....

Sibling interview

My sister talked about why she liked going to school, why her family is her greatest influence, how she wants people to remember her for her heart and to give wisdom about life to people listening.