Grace Blomberg and Liv Hedstrom

Grace Blomberg (14) and her best friend Liv Hedstrom (14) talk about Covid-19, their friendship and life stories.

Lexi Surbaugh and Her Grandfather, William Surbaugh

Lexi Surbaugh: 2021-01-17 20:35:48 Lexi Surbaugh and Her Grandfather, William Surbaugh Talk About Their Lives and Upbringings

Liv Hedstrom and Lexi Surbaugh.

Liv Hedstrom: 2021-01-06 17:18:06. Liv Hedstrom (14) talks with friend, Lexi Surbaugh (13) about life and hardships.

Sydney Walsh and Her Story

Sydney Walsh explains to me her childhood and what it was like growing up in a small town. She includes information about her life in college and aspiring career to become a dentist. She also has stories to share about...

Migrating for religious freedom

An interview done by Naomi Gebru a 19 years old student from Concordia college, Moorhead, Minnesota on the story Mubina Rasulova a 21 years old student at Concordia college shares with her about her homeland , religious freedom and what...