18-Year Old Geovanni Celaya and His Life.

In this interview, conducted in November 2019 in Chicago, Illinois. I, Karen Salgado(17) interview my old friend and peer, Geovanni Celaya(18) about his plans for his future tomorrow. He talks about what mark he would like to leave when he...

Historical methods interview with Mom

My mom is a loving person but does not like to show emotion or admit to them. I realized it would be difficult to try and get depth into her answers

Sydney Bild and Rachael Bild

Rachael Bild (36) interviews her grandfather Sydney Bild (91) about fighting to integrate the health care system in Chicago. Sydney is a retired physician who in the mid 1900's helped to integrate hospitals in Chicago for both patients and physicians.

Grandma Kaminski talks about her childhood

I am Connor Kaminski, one of the youngest grandchildren of my grandmother Alice Kaminski. She is the oldest living member of my entire extended family and the last of my grandparents. Turning 87 in 2018, she is an inspiration because...

12 year old sister, Valery, Talks about her life.

Little sister speaks of her past experiences as a small child. She speaks of the environment she grew up in and where she was born, giving details on how her community made her feel and such. She also spoke about...