Culture shock

My sister explains her experience moving to the US.

Philosophy: Interviewing Caitlyn

I interviewed one of my classmates using a scenario and asking questions relating to our philosophy textbook for class

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Marisol "When the Dreamer stuff passed it was a like an answered prayer…"

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Marisol Roten. Marisol, a Mother of 3, and I have a conversation about her experiences growing up in the Rio Grande Valley. The experience of growing up without her biological father, having...

Jane and Ms. Soulef Interview

She’s name is Ms.Soulef and she is english teacher. I interviewed her because of I&S class we are learning about story. At lunch recess(12:30) in the science class I got a interview with her. We talked about her family, job...