random bestfriends

Zev Blique(17) Reagan Stock(16) we Are bestfriends! we discussed Zevs childhood and how he grew up in a huge city compared to the little town I’m from. We talked about his family and his regrets.

Harrison Watkins and Roselyne Swig

Harrison Watkins (33) reminisces with his grandmother Roselyne Swig [no age given] on her vast knowledge and experiences as a businesswoman, mother, and grandmother.

Barbara Abbott’s life in San Francisco

Barbara Abbott is 82 years old and is 14 year-old Mary Coleman’s grandmother. Although she now lives in Mill Valley, Abbott grew up in San Francisco with her eight siblings, mother, and father. Eventually, her family moved to Tiburon, but...

Veronica Fischmann and Jenni Lippold

One Small Step conversation partners Veronica (36) and Jenni (42) have a conversation about their backgrounds growing up and living in different places, their experiences living abroad in Italy, and their views on having diverse communities and perspectives in their...

Mi Papa, Jose Alberto Jimenez Ramirez

I, Emiliano Jimenez Minor, interviewed my dad, Jose Alberto Jimenez Ramirez, who's 50 years old about his experience growing up in Mexico City, el DF with my grandma, my uncles, my aunts, my dad's cousins. We talked about how my...

Melody Fawcett, Nathan Blunt, Hilary Rajchel

Melody met her cousins, Nathan and Hilary about ten years ago as a result of genealogy research. They come together today to share what brought them to their searches and the impact it had on them and the family.

Rosa Lara Interview 2017

We discussed what Rosa was most thankful for and her memories throughout her life.