Maria and Anthony Bristow share their story on how they cope with their son's suicide.

I interviewed Maria and Anthony Bristow to learn how they have coped with their son’s death. During the interview, we discussed how they felt about guns and gun regulations after their son’s suicide.

Me and Pops

A good talk about who and what molded him into the man he is today, and some knowledge and advice he’d like to pass on to me and my brother as young men

Pursuing The American Dream

Adam Gomes interviewers his father Robert Gomes who was born in Bangladesh and migrated to America in February 1975. They discussed his childhood and what life was like growing up in Manhattan. They also talk about some of Roberts Positives...

Storytelling Assignment

I interviewed my father for an assigment for my speech class in college (Collin College). Picture above is me, my mom and my dad when they got married through the church.

Rich Fhaner and Nancy Nolan

One Small Step Conversation partners Rich Fhaner (42) and Nancy Nolan (62) talk about living as an immigrant, law enforcement and how both major US political parties have their issues.

High school senior Christara speaks to her teacher Jae about her struggle to pay for college and why she cannot return to Haiti.

“When you tell someone ‘go back to your country,’ you might as well be telling them, go die.” Christara, who does not qualify for DACA, opens up about her life and the first time she came out about her undocumented...