WY students Reflect on their Experiences in High School

WY Students Britney D and Aster B take time to reflect on experiences in Whitney Young and how it has affected them in their high school journey.


I interviewed my dad, I asked him questions about his life, food and family.

Life in Iraq

My grandma tells us a little bit of what life was like back in Iraq, how they moved to the United States and how it was like when they moved.

First Day of School

Zehui first day of school!!!

A Talk with Mrs. Tyer

a talk with my advisory teacher, Mrs. Tyer. she's been an anchor over my school career and I would not be where I am without her.

Interview with my Grandmother on growing up and learning valuable lessons.

Conversation with me (Chandler Peeples) and my grandmother (Mimi) about her childhood, my mom, and grandfather. This was recorded at my house in Vestavia Hills, Al and there are plenty of stories of what it was like growing up in...

English 204 project

Little girl in a big family grows up in Minnesota. Goes into nursing gets Married, moves to Richmond Virginia and gets a big family of her own.