Mugshots: Kassie Hilgert

Kassie is the president and CEO of ArtsQuest. In her interview, Kassie's word to best describe Musikfest is COMMUNITY.

Mugshots: Kim and Chris

Kim and Chris are a married couple who have been long time volunteers at Musikfest. They both have seen Musikfest expand over the years and enjoy hearing the local musicians. Their words to describe Musikfest are MUSIC and EXPERIENCE.

My Dad: an Unknown American

Gopal Sagar immigrated from India to the United States in 2001 and settled down in the Silicon Valley. He talks about growing up a small rural town, his experiences immigrating to a new country, the cultural differences between America and...

Juniper Leherissey, Jim Levy, and David Caffey

Juniper Leherissey (50) interviews her colleagues David Caffey (75) and Jim Levy [no age given] about their accomplishments, contributions, and experiences as former directors of the Harwood Library and Harwood Museum. They also share stories, recall memorable personalities, and express...

My Grandmas Perspective of 9/11

In this interview I ask questions about my grandma Maria’s experience about 9/11 and the tragedies she had to witness. We take a deep dive about her experience and what her moments were at the moment she witness the event.