Life Story interview with Rene Mata Lopez & his daughter, Isabel Lopez

A writing contest was held for the 5th grade class at West Side Christian Elementary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Out of 35 students, Isabel won the contest and received $500 towards her elementary tuition by the contest sponsor, Heritage Life...

History Immigrant Assignment

Some major talking points were the changes in life from the United States and Iran, and the journey to becoming an American.

Una aventura de mi vida

This is the story of my mom and what her childhood was like and how she came to the us and what she went through in her childhood to adult hood. It’s tells the life story of a immigrant from...

My Mother’s experience as a Vietnamese immigrant

I interviewed my mother about her experience immigrating to the United States. She talks about her hardships and favorite memories in middle school and college. We also discussed how she met my dad and we talked briefly about me as...

The Life of Vietnamese-American Immigrant

An exploration into the life of my mother, a Vietnamese-American immigrant who experienced culture shock when she and her family fled her home to an unfamiliar land.


Samantha talks to her father of his life as an immigrant

Living A Life In America

In this interview, Elainie and her father, Simon, talk about moving to America and what it’s like. He talks about having a hard life being an immigrant moving to America with little money. He also talks about kids bullying him...