A Talk With My Dad About the Changing of the World After 9/11

I sat down with my dad to talk about his life. We spoke about his up-bringing in Hoboken, a small, culturally and socioeconomically diverse town located across the Hudson River from lower Manhattan, and how the stark differences of the...


Jordynn Lee asking her mother, Marchella Lee, what she rememberers about 911.

Experience of September 11 interview

I interviewed my mom about the attacks of 911 and what her experience was like as someone alive at the time.

Lorraine Fontana and Kelly Windus

One Small Step partners Lorraine Fontana (76) and Kelly Windus (56) discuss their different upbringings, spiritual beliefs, and views on homosexuality.

Conversation with my mom about 9/11

We talked about her experience. She was teaching second grade at the time and one thing she remembers most was talking to her students about what had happened.


An interview of someone’s perspective and take away from the effects of 9/11

Eileen Harvey: Interview for Language and Culture

Interviewing my grandmother about her early life and how her heritage influenced her life and how she raised her children


This interview was just to acknowledge the fact that no matter were in the united states, you were impacted by 9/11.