Kyle and Katy

Overall, the discussion was focused on our different religious views and beliefs about death. We also talked about our shared childhood and our positive experiences.

Intervieing Liz goody

I learned about my aunt and who she lost ,and her regrets. This interview helps me learn on what I should focus most about.

Interviewing My Dad: Military/School

It's a short interview about my dad in his younger years Ranging from military and school

Lainey Mihalich and Nonnie Talk About my Grandpa, Religion, and Growing Up.

Catching up with my grandma was a blast! I loved hearing funny and sentimental stories. Now I want to know more about my Nonnie!

First Day of School

The first time of school and what was done.

How education and life has changed and how it would’ve adapted in times of crisis like these

In this interview I talk to my dad about what it was like growing up in a time with less technology and how that affected education daily life and the possible outcomes of a pandemic during his younger days.

The Great Listen – Shea Noonan

In this summary we talked about my grandfathers life growing up. We talked about what he has learned over the years and what he hopes for the future.