Nana’s Interview (for pubs)

I learned she had a rough childhood and her dad wasn’t around often, that the only person who was there for her was her mom.

Interviewing my grandma!

I asked my maternal grandmother some questions about her childhood and adulthood

Thanksgiving conversation

Talking over pie about his childhood life and memories

My Amazing Grandfather

This interview, conducted December 30, 2020 in Tustin, California Brady Steinle (12) interviewed his grandfather, Thomas Roddel (81).I learned so much about my grandpa’s life. I learned about some of his personal experiences, childhood and his accomplishments. He talked about...

An Interview with my Grandpa

Around minute 12, the recording didn’t pause, and we were talking about my dog who had jumped on us, but we realized this and got back on track around 12:40

Interview with Noni

Somethings that we talked about were what is she most proud of. Another was how do you want to be remembered by.