interview with my mom

my mother who is 40 and me Ivan Rodriguez who is 17 years old. I interview my mother about her past and how it was to be a young mother

Kate’s Interview With Her Immigrant Grandmother

My grandma is a first generation immigrant to the United States. She came to this country from Ecuador at 8 years old. She shared with me her memories as a young child living in Ecuador and growing up in Chicago.

Nana Interview

Me and my Nana (Grandma) talked about her life experiences and the life lessons she has learned along the way! Very enlightening!

Do you want to be loved?

Friends ask each other questions about being in love, feeling loved, and the expectations we have from future partners.

Interview of my Dad

Over my Dad’s 47 years of existence he has gone through many things. I learned more about family, love and his personal beliefs than I ever knew before.

Leia & Braden

What we’ve learned from each other and how we met

Marriage is a commitment!

After 57 years of marriage , Bruce and Trudy talk about how they met and what they love about eachother and their life together.