The Life of Chicken (Part II)

(Short transition before app recording gave out-introduction to Soren's time in college)

Working Women w/ Bibi and Audrey

Former actress/lawyer, Reba Thomas, shares her personal experiences to Audrey (16) regarding her unusual career path and gives advice to future working mothers!


A dear friend of vickys named Paulino Mercenari goes into depth with his opinion on relationships and herritage.

I ask my father about the little things that will always be important to him.

My father describes his life story beginning from his experience as a refugee and ending with his accomplishments in business.

Alex Garcia Culture and Mental Illness

Recent UNT graduate discusses the culture he was raised in on Texas by his Hispanic parents. He also shares about the prevalence of mental illness in American society.

Anna and Mr. Truong

Anna and Mr. Truong have a conversation at the end of her senior year of high school.

How to Heal with Aleta Mascorro

Brianna Lopez (20) talks with her close friend Aleta Mascorro (25) about her childhood, her story, and how intergenerational trauma affects the Latinx community.

Mike Marrero's Marriage

Mike Marrero grew up in Southern California and met the love of his life while in college. Long before he settled down and created a family, he learnt to deal with a long-term relationship and everything that came with it....