Interview with Papi

This interview is between a father (Christian Sganga 47) and his daughter (Isabella Sganga 18). They discussed the hardships of life and how to grow from them. Isa’s father, Chris, suffered from a herniated disc, moved to a completely new...

Oral History Project 2023

This is an interview by Isabella Cabrera who is interviewing her mom, Ana Cabrera. Ana recounts her childhood, the trauma she carries from fleeing the communist government in Cuba, her determination through nursing school, and lessons she’s learnt through being...

Interview with my aunt, Joicy Estevez

I am Natalie Estevez and I interviewed my aunt Joicy Estevez. We spoke about her childhood, moving and being an immigrant, her family, and profession.

Adelina Taylor talks about stories of her life, marriage,and family.

Adelina Grande Taylor talks about her early childhood and her family background. She talks about World War II and her memories of it. She talks about her late husband telling stories about him and how they met. She speaks of...

experience from the changes of life( From nicaragua to America)

65 year old Miriam reyes shares her experience as a child in Nicaragua to her 13 year old grandson Sebastian Reyes. She also shares the changes she experienced from moving to America, the changes in her jobs and the lessons...

Queen Keskessa and Antonio Quinn Edwards

Friends Queen Keskessa (51) and Antonio Quinn Edwards (58) speak about their first impressions of each other, Antonio’s identity as an artist, and Queen’s experience coming to the United States and her Ethiopian identity.

It Won’t Be Like This For Long Pt.2 (Interview with Papi)

In the second part of this interview, Sofia Vazquez, 17 year old daughter, interviews her father, Enrique Vazquez, 45 years old, about present life and his dreams and hopes for the future.

We talk about food (breaking bread)

I (Leyssa Desir) interviewed my best friend Ashley Cineus (19 years old) and we talked about out relationship and how food has played such an important role in saïd relationship.

Interview with Ivette Tomasoni

Spoke about her life moments, achivements, expectations, and regrets.

Momma knows best

I learned a lot about my mom and why she raised me the way she did. She loves me and is so so proud of the person i have become.

Eddie cabal interview

The participant I interviewed was Eddie Cabal. He is 51 years old and is my father. A couple things that were discussed were some of the times he remembered while growing up.

A Young Artist Gets A Miracle!

That morning I wished that I could meet with the famous band and network with them. That night I was on stage singing with them! A miracle in Monterrey and in my life as an artist.

It Won’t Be like This For Long (Interview with Papi)

Sofia Vazquez, 17 year old daughter, interviews her father, Enrique Vazquez, 45 years old, about his journey to a new country and his journey getting to where he is now in life.

Yuri Roldán and Lenny Blanco

This interview is about my mother. I ask her questions from her childhood to my childhood and what our religion means to her

Party Time w/ Abu

me and Abu (George perera) have a little party in the dining room, talking, laughing, saying stupid things….most of all enjoying each others company

After School With Mom

A mother’s reflection on life events, experiences, and journeys. Sharing advice from mother to daughter.

Interview with Chani

We talked about what past experiences have made her into the person she is today. What makes her happy and what she wishes for her children and descendants.

Interview with Stephanie Valdes

We talked about growing up and plans for the future. We also talked about the people who inspired Stephanie, and got her to where she is today. We also discussed family and how they have an influence on us.

Camila Delgado (13) interviews her grandmother Marylou Liriano (66) about her life and her childhood

In this interview, Camila Delgado talks with her grandmother, Marylou Liriano, about her past, her childhood, and life lessons she learnt on the way to her adult hood. Her grandmother tells Camila about her first love. She even tells Camila...