Interview with Ruth Hodgson from Oklahoma

This interview is part was done by Boy Scouts from Troop 386, Edmond as part of the Eagle Scout Project of Alexander Fryer. The purpose of this project was to help seniors record stories of their life. One goal of...

Connecting the Dots of Indian Culture and Societal Change

Riya Patel (19) speaks with her mother, Kavita Patel (45), about her life and the challenges she has faced as a woman stuck between maintaining her cultural roots and adapting to changing societal views on gender roles.

Jennifer Shapiro and Gennadiy Shapiro

Jennifer Shapiro (18) talks with her father, Gennadiy Shapiro (45) about his childhood in Khazakstan, his journey migrating to America, and his experience building a life from scratch in a new country.

Moving to America

A daughter asking her mother questions about her move to America and questions along the line.

Interview With My Opa

Born one of seven in World War Two Germany, Emil (Mike) Kropf speaks about his life—his experience coming to America, being drafted in the U.S. army, meeting the love of his life on a train and coming back to raise...

Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family.

Jenny Rask: 2020-11-16 00:25:40 Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family. Starting off talking about the 2020 elections and Biden/Harris winning the election, turning the republican dominated senate democratic. He remember the life...

The first man in his family to leave to come to America- My Father

In this interview, I talk to my dad about his life growing up in India and how his transition was coming to America creating a new life from scratch.

Sameer speaks with his mother.

Sameer and his mother Mahmoodah have a conversation about Mahmoodah's journey from Pakistan to American and becoming a doctor and raising a family along the way.

Quarantine interview with Cairo and Luke

Cairo Weaver and Luke Murphy had an interview during the quarantine about life, their favorite memories, and what they plan on doing after the pandemic.