Varshini Ganesh and her sister Shivani Srividya talk about their life moments and growing experiences.

In this interview, conducted on December 2nd, 2017 in Plano, Texas, Shivani Srividya talks about her childhood. Varshini Ganesh and Shivani Srividya being sisters talk about them growing up together. She talks about her memories and vivid imaginations as what...

The Ministry of Reconciliation with Derona

As America's Covid-19 cases continue to multiply, the virus exposes inequity throughout our society and claims a disproportionate number of black lives. Citizen Advocate, Derona King is healing racial trauma by promoting good health and nutritional wellness with Zilphy's Garden...

Vinny Fox & Henry Fox

Vinny knew from an early age they were non-binary. They didn't have the language, but knew that in their conservative city in Georgia, being non-binary meant being ostracized and punished. It wasn't until college that they had any positive gender...

Grandad’s 99th Birthday

We talked about Grandad’s 72 year marriage, his experiences during WW2, and life in small town Georgia.

Mercer University OlaOcha O. Chinue talks with Emily Colon a MU student being a single parent and pursuing a path as an educator

OlaOcha Chinue: 2023-09-22 00:51:10 The interviewer has a conversational discussion with Emily, an aspiring teacher, about her passion for education. They cover her inspirations, goals as a woman of color, plans to engage students, anticipated challenges, the importance of work-life...

Learning About My Mom

This interview helped me learn more about my mom and her life. It helped me know the ups and downs of life.

Mom Part 2 (sibling #15)

My mom and I caught up again over the phone. Just as southern states are beginning to reopen the virus is reaching our family like never before but my mom believes that her faith and military experience will carry her...