The Great Thanksgiving Listen

We talked about her life and when she was younger. She also talked about some of our family members, my mom when she was younger

interviewing my aunt!

We talked about my aunts life and,who impacted her and how she got through life. Also about her siblings and family.

Thanksgiving listen interview

In this intwrview I learn about my grandma. This was a great experience.

Nana Interview

Me and my Nana (Grandma) talked about her life experiences and the life lessons she has learned along the way! Very enlightening!

Shaheen Morakkabi and his grandma Jamileh Davachie

Jamileh Davachie (74) talks to her grandson, Shaheen Morakkabi (15) about her childhood and life in Iran during and after the revolution and her family.

An interview with my Mom

This interview was about Shirley Chavez. This interview talks about her life. This interview was recorded by Leo Chavez, at Berwyn IL.

Sitting Down with Dad

One evening, I talk with my dad Joe Tenn about everything I can think about, from Chicago in the 70s to fatherhood to weird work stories.

Eden Block Interview Eddy

Talked to my grandma about life back in her day and how society is different.

Alex Mason & Ryan Berger

Alex shares with Ryan how when he went searching for a more meaningful job he stumbled on Providence's St. Joseph hospital, the place he was born. Alex talks about how rewarding his job is, working with the elderly and what...

Do you want to be loved?

Friends ask each other questions about being in love, feeling loved, and the expectations we have from future partners.

Interviewing my grandma

We talked about her child hood and advice she’d give her younger self as well as life lessons

Interview with my boyfriend through FaceTime

Due the the pandemic, I conducted an interview with my boyfriend over FaceTime. He talked about the important people in his life and the memories he shares. He shares his successes as well as his hard times and has a...

Linus Mavers interviews his mother Elizabeth Caldwell about growing up

In this interview, recorded on November 25th, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois, Linus Mavers (18) interviews his mother Elizabeth Caldwell (57) about her life and childhood. Elizabeth talks about growing up in different cities and moving around as the daughter of...

Interview of my Dad

Over my Dad’s 47 years of existence he has gone through many things. I learned more about family, love and his personal beliefs than I ever knew before.

Through Evangelina's Eyes

My name is Ashley, and I interviewed my maternal grandmother. She's a very lively witty person but once I said I was going to record her she got a bit timid. I asked a series of small significant questions regarding...

Interview with Mom

We discussed her life growing up in L.A. and her family, as well as political views and protesting. She talked about her wishes for future generations of our family and I, and how she wants to be remembered.


We talked about my dads life as a child and people who inspired him.

The great thanksgiving listen 2019: with Grandpa

In this interview, I talked to my grandpa Larry about his life. Today is Thanksgiving in 2019. We are having dinner with my parents and their friends.