My First Interview
November 26, 2017 App Interview

Jasmine discussed some of her inspirations, as well as her childhood. She also spoke about two key pieces of her adult life.

My interview

I took the time today to ask my father about the relationship of how he met my mom.

Family interview

This interview was with my dad. There were ten main questions i asked and had some follow up questions. During the interview i learned a lot about my dad’s life and what he thinks about on a daily basis.

Josh Higginson interviewing his grandma and grandpa

I interview mostly my grandpa with help from my mom and grandma. We talk about where he grew up, his time in the air Force, meeting my grandma, and moving to America.

Aunt Susie ( my grandpa’s sister) talked about the Munger family history.

Kylie McLay and her grandpa's sister Aunt Susie talked about the Munger family history. And, they talked about what child hood was like for a family;that traveled a lot because their dad was in the Coast Quard. Also we talked...

getting to know my vice principal

talking about her difficulties and what she’s most grateful for throughout her life


This is about me asking my grandparents questions mostly about their childhood

Life of Marianne Warff

The life of my grandmother was talked about. Also her parents and a bit about their lives.


We talked about my grandmas life growing up and getting married and starting a business.

Grandpa Volz and his involvement in the Vietnam War

The inside story to how an ordinary young man gets drafted into the Vietnam War. He shares his experiences in the Vietnam War along with childhood memories.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

Rosemarie refelcts about her life. She goes over her experiences of marriage, motherhood, and growth.


Inderit spoke about her wedding.


We talked about how she went trew life and all her positive attitudes