Terry Tazioli and Molly Swain

Long time volunteer reflects on time spent with family at The Mount and the wonderful community that led him to coming back and giving back to The Mount 20 years later

Sister Rita Bergamini & Molly Swain

Sr. Rita first lived at Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount) when she was a novice back in 1947 and later took her vows at the chapel there. After leaving for her first mission, she returned in 1972 and became...

Deanne Yellam & Charlene Boyd

Deanne grew up in the area and knew of Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount), but it wasn't until her parents needed assisted living care did she understand what was so special about The Mount. She loved the care her...

Carol "Mitzi" Rossmann and Deanna Drake

A friend, family member, volunteer and employee of The Mount shares her story about how The Mount has shaped her to be the person she is today. She reflects on her deep commitment to The Mount mission and culture.

Susan Clark and Molly Swain

Former and current colleagues within the Providence Mount St Vincent foundation talk about what makes The Mount special. They talk about the importance of the mission continuing and the people, volunteers and residents who created a legacy.

Elizabeth Garman and Rachel Manchester

Elizabeth shared her amazing life journey, teen pregnancy, loss of baby, humanitarian work with hemophilia education in impoverished countries, COVID journey and loss of family members, strength in adversity, a life of meaning and purpose, Providence mission. faith, leading with...

Tim Serban and Melody Fawcett

Tim shares his story of providing spiritual care in the context of disaster relief efforts. Providing support to those grieving, going through transitions, searching for ways to honor their loved ones. Carrying on the mission of the Providence Sisters in...