Entrevista entre madre e hija: Dolores Madera y Ariana Solis

This is an interview conducted for my SOWK 732 class at Loyola University Chicago in MSW program through the School of Social Work. The interview was conducted with my mother, Dolores, regarding her experiences as an immigrant from Mexico.

World History Interview

Today I talked with my Uncle about the attacks on 9/11 and how it affected the country and him personally. He seemed to have a good understanding of the topic. During this interview, he made me realize how the attack...

FYS Interview about the theme of occupation with Genci Jajka by Shawna Jajka

I interviewed my dad for my First Year Seminar class at Marshall University. Our FYS class has been focusing on critical thinking and how thoughtfully developed and artfully asked questions can lead to enriching and enlightening stories. Frank Sesno’s ‘Ask...

John Alexander and Olivia Pedersen

Friends and former colleagues John "Mark" Alexander (52) and Olivia Pedersen (65) discuss teaching, how they became educators, and how learning more about racial equity and justice affected their teaching.

Salome Mwangi and Wayne Dilliard

Friends Wayne Dillard (56) and Salome Mwangi (50) recall how they met, the bonds their families have with one another and how each has learned from the other over time.

Thanksgiving Interview

I asked my mom what life was like in the US and how I changed her life.

Talking About The Interesting Life My Mother Has Experienced.

She shared some memories about her sisters and brothers and growing up in Honduras. We talked about our ancestors and her parents and grandparents. She described the overjoyed feeling of her finding out about her pregnancy.She shared a beautiful saying...