Kelly Davis and Carol Smart

Actress and playwright Carol Smart (83) talks with Kelly Davis (43) about Carol's experience turning her grandmother’s life story into a one-woman show. Carol's grandmother, Doctor Rosa Minoka-Hill, was one of the first Native American women to become a physician.

World War II: the Homefront

This interview was conducted to learn about my grandma’s background in world war 2.

JB and Gunter

Brothers-in-law and best pals Jonathan and Gunter discuss childhood on opposite sides of World War II.

Questions I wanted to ask my Granny on her 93rd Birthday

Today is my Granny's 93rd Birthday. I wanted to ask her some questions about her childhood, service as a nurse in WWII, and her life overall before it is too late to ask.

Ilse Casolari

Ilse talked about her trasition from Germany to America and the different jobs she has had.

The Halocaust and its legacy by Sam Smulyan

We talked about the Holocaust and its legacy and also a few relations my parents had to it.

Interview with Nonny Rita

I asked my grandma about her childhood as a Jewish person in the United States. And asked her follow up questions to how that’s shaped her as a person.

Interview with Juji

We talked about my mom growing up and about how she met my grandfather.

The great thanksgiving listen – Emory DPT 2021
November 22, 2018 App Interview

In this interview we discussed my grandmothers experiences in life as well as her perspective on various personal topics that have influenced her family and mentality.

Oh, the places we’ve seen!

Sharon Wakamoto, an OC resident for almost 60 years, but born in Los Angeles spent a few years as a young child, during WW2 in the Japanese internment camp or War Relocation Center as it was called, at Gila Bend,...

Paul’s story

Paul is the most fabulous of men who has lived the past 93 years with such an inspiring sense of optism. We wanted to archive this conversation for his family who so fully value his wisdom and experiences and are...