Interview With Arturo Juarez: The Revolving Door Of The Southern Border (Short Version)

I, Elizabeth Juarez (29), interviewed my dad, Arturo (51), about growing up in Central Mexico and crossing the border to the United States in 1989, 1991, and to this day. We talked about what motivated him to emigrate and risk...

Joanna & Kaitlin: On Diverse Education Informing Advocacy Work and the Effects of Open Dialogue on Pursuit of Anti-Racism

Joanna: 2020-07-27 00:14:46 Joanna (20) interviews Kaitlin (20) on her school district's representative, empathy-driven curriculum, how it informed her involvement in advocacy work, and how candid conversations can develop understanding of anti-racism.

Christina Bowden and Christine Nyholm

This interview is about my grandma’s life and things she has done and been through. She talks about memories in her life and when they were either sad or happy, and other things that made her who she is today.

Interview with my great aunt

I asked my great aunt about her childhood in Germany while my cousin translated.

Thanksgiving Interview with Grandma

We talked about Lois's jobs as a teenager, my dad (Lois's son), and her life.

Interviewing my dad

I asked my dad and asked him many questions about his childhood and school growing up

Practice interview

We talked about something we are greatful for some of our best memories and We talked about school.

Years gone by, an interview with daughter number 4.

An interview with my Mom, MaryAnn. Short story about meeting my dad, the jobs she has had, inspiring words, and a story about finding a dead man.