The story of my Moms Life

We talked about how where the things that she would have felt and that she felt


Good and bad memories of my life. These are stories my mom wanted to share with me

My Interview with my grandmother

Mainly childhood and thoughts about God.Also if there was any regrets that you had before you died.

Life with Meaning

This interview is about life with Meaning and spending time with family. Then most importantly remembering everything your parents taught you to live your life with Meaning.


We talked about how her life was a child. Always how she is now with my siblings.

Interview with Grandpa

My grandfather and I talk about his past experiences in life, and how they relate to us now.

Corps story-Ana’s

We talked about what her favorite memory was of me. We also talked about what advice would you give about raising kids and more.

An Interview with Mom

We talked about how I was like as a child growing up . Also stories about my childhood