The “outstanding beauty” of our family: moving beyond words.
November 24, 2018 App Interview

This interview is on the six month anniversary of the day Barb was first admitted to the hospital with a rare illness, HSV encephalitis, which is an acute viral infection in the brain. Overcoming the life-threatening illness was only the...

Grandma Kaminski talks about her childhood

I am Connor Kaminski, one of the youngest grandchildren of my grandmother Alice Kaminski. She is the oldest living member of my entire extended family and the last of my grandparents. Turning 87 in 2018, she is an inspiration because...

Cindy Morris, Dealing With A Life Changing Illness

Cindy Morris was able to retire early to care for her mother, a stroke survivor with Parkinsons Disease. But just two year’s later, Cindy was diagnosed with Multiple Systems Atrophy - Parkinsons and required a caregiver of her own. Her...