Historical methods interview with Mom

My mom is a loving person but does not like to show emotion or admit to them. I realized it would be difficult to try and get depth into her answers

Julia Parzecki and Margaret Parzecki – Life in Poland and Adapting to America (Reuploaded)

Julia Parzecki (18) talks with her mother, Margaret Parzecki (51), about her childhood in Warsaw, Poland, and how her life changed when she moved to the United States.

Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family.

Jenny Rask: 2020-11-16 00:25:40 Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family. Starting off talking about the 2020 elections and Biden/Harris winning the election, turning the republican dominated senate democratic. He remember the life...

Quarantine interview with Cairo and Luke

Cairo Weaver and Luke Murphy had an interview during the quarantine about life, their favorite memories, and what they plan on doing after the pandemic.

Laura Sherman and Joanna Sherman

Joanna Sherman (21) talks with her twin sister, Laura Sherman (21) about what being a twin means and family relationship shifts over college and COVID-19.

The Story Of Alaina Braxton

On January 4th 2023, Luci Greisman (15) interviewed her grandmother, Alaina Braxton (68). Alaina Braxton was born in 1956 and during this interview, Alaina Braxton shared her love of travel, talked about immigrating to the United States from Ireland, and...