Natalie Swope interview Genevieve Jones about her journey throughout college.

Natalie Swope interviews Genevieve Jones at her home in Maryland. Genny learned all about what she wanted to do in life throughout college and trial and error. She had a lot of help along the way by encouraging adults. One...

Daniela Barragan talks to her dad Manuel Barragan about growing up and 9/11 in Whitewater, Wisconsin

In the recording interview, Daniela Barragan (15) talks to Manuel Barragan (44) about his childhood in Mexico. They also discussed about what he did when 9/11 happened and how it impacted him.

An Interview the Nana (Marie Menzel & Alyssa Hadding)

We talked about her childhood, & how/what she's did when she grew up. What her parents were like & what she did with them on the weekends. Also, what some of her favorite memories were (funny & old!)

My Grandpa’s Amazing Life

In this interview, I talked to my grandpa about his life, jobs, family, and childhood. He shared with me some of his many amazing experiences like the time he traveled all the way to Africa to help people, the time...

Sue Hartwick and Connie Meyer

Best friends Connie Meyer (61) and Sue Hartwick (62) share their childhood memories growing up in the Sixties, especially their families and experiences at school, discuss their individual career paths, and reminisce about their friendship.