“I grew up in a household that valued work and education”

In this interview, i asked my dad several questions regarding his schooling and work/career life. We discussed both what he does now and what led to his current work life.

Brothers and Sisters

I interviewed my mother about her younger brother, who passed away last year. Despite her openness and expressive personality, she never actually spoke to me about how she felt about her brother after he had died a year prior. Wanting...

Christina Letoi

From the island of Samoa to the U.S. christina talks about her childhood memories, family, and small bits and pieces about herself.

The Family without a Father

I spoke with my grandmother, Virginia Velarde, about her life growing up with her siblings, mother, and step-father. We spoke about the hardships she went through growing up with her step-father and many other emotional moments in her life, including...

Sitting Down with Dad

Night time talk with my Dad after dinner. We talk about his childhood life and his relationship with his family, as well as his experience living in England and his love for the outdoors.

My mother

I learned my mother’s childhood and lessons that she has learned throughout her life

Hard Days are Just a Moment

Ryan tells us about his childhood in Richfield, Utah and how living in a small town taught him how to work hard.