My Dad My Hero
October 22, 2022 App Interview

I interview my father for his life advice and wisdom. I also discuss the large impact that he has had on me and the others around him, shaping my life as I want to follow in his footsteps.

Grandpa Litu

We spoke about his very family revolved adventurous life.

Bob Logan, you are my role model

I wanted to have a conversation with my father-in-law to capture his perspective and his life lessons. And boy did he deliver!

“I got to learn more about my dad’s childhood”

In this interview, I got to know more about my dad’s childhood as well as what he did when he a small kid. I didn’t know that my dad was like because I thought I knew my dad but actually...

Homestay Interview

I interviewed my friend Yuka. I interviewed her at Tokyo Japan. In interview I asked about her homestay experience. She gave me a advice for homestay. I asked her because I want to try homestay so I want to listen...

Mom interview

Thanksgiving assignment- interview a family member

Sophia and Kelley Nelson

In this Video, I talk with my mother Kelley Nelson about her perspective on Adopting me from China almost 14 years ago. I ask her questions about motherhood along with if she has ever received negative reactions to adopting rather...

Zyan, a young adult, talks about important details that have happened throughout his life and what he hopes to experience in the future.

Maia asks her brother, Zyan to talk about moments he has experienced in his life. He shares advice for future generations and talks about what he would like to experience in the future.

History Interview

I interviewed my dad for this project. My dad is 40 years old and his name is Jay Robinson he is a manager for the company Townsend which is a branch of nipsco. Some topics that I discussed include what...