"As fully formed as a 21 year old could be"

Jennifer St.Leger (41) talks with husband, Jeff St.Leger (52) about coming immigrating from Ireland to New York in the 1980s.

Where are you from and why are you here? Leeanne interviews Tania about growing up between cultures and what led to her move to Norway.

In this interview, Tania discusses being a hyper and adventure-seeking child growing up both Danish and American in New York. She compares her wild plans for the future to how things turned out, what led her to decide to move...

My Grandparents

My Grandparents, Lawrence (87) and Theresa (85) Spinelli of Endicott NY. Discussed how their childhoods were, how they met, and life in general.

Mother Goose

The life of a Mexican immigrant is told to the world. From the past of her childhood, to the hopes of future generations, my mother presents her story of Emma Finkel. P.S. my spanish sounds sooo bad here, it doesn’t...