My mom, MJ Viscardo

I just asked some questions about my mom and found out some things that I never knew before. I figured out what her childhood was like and her growing up. It was nice to have her share her experiences with...

Conversation with my mom about 9/11

We talked about her experience. She was teaching second grade at the time and one thing she remembers most was talking to her students about what had happened.

Disappointing a Parent and a Favorite Childhood Memory, Two Stories of Youth.

What is the hardest thing you ever had to say to someone? Sometimes disappointing your parents is the only thing that will lead to your own happiness in life. My favorite childhood memory. A special toy and a birthday.

Family and Love in Brooklyn

Grandma Edith talks about her childhood in Brooklyn in 1950s and her reflections on her family.

Lorraine Fontana and Kelly Windus

One Small Step partners Lorraine Fontana (76) and Kelly Windus (56) discuss their different upbringings, spiritual beliefs, and views on homosexuality.

My interview with Grammy

On Thanksgiving day I sit down and ask my grandmother questions about her life and her memories of me.