Growing Up Between Two Worlds

Anna Toulany ( age 18 ) interviews Camille Toulany, her father, on his experience immigrating from Lebanon to Scotia with his large family in the 70’s.

Kindness and Gratitude

9.5 year old Russ recalls moments of kindness and reasons for gratitude as well as well as where he sees himself in 10 years. He is interviewed by his mom.

Creativity for a Lifetime: Interview with my Grandma

In this interview, I talked with my grandmother Georgiann Eckheart, about her life as a mother and grandmother and how creativity played a role in her life.

1980 – Loren & Veneta Lesher

Loren & Veneta Lesher have been married over 71 years. They are sharing stories from each year of their lives together. This recording covers the year 1980.