60s Interview with Jerry Ludlow and Beverly Sue Richards

Interview with our grandparents about their live’s in the 1960s. About their time in college, their thoughts about the draft, and their recollections of the Vietnam War.

1960s interview

Interview of my grandpa, who was in the army during the Vietnam war.

Interview of George Azar over the 1960's

George Azar (78) talks with his grandson, Alex Moore (17) about his life in the 1960's during the end of High School as well as his time in college followed by his time serving in the Air Force during the...

Interview my grandpa

This interview s consisted on various questions about what life was like when he was younger, about how he felt about the draft and Vietnam, and his personal experience serving in Germany.

Daniel Stephens's US History 1960's Oral History Project (Janak P6)

For my interview, I had a conversation with my grandmother Barbera Monnin. My grandmother was born in 1942 and she is currently 81 years old. We talked a lot about what he life was like growing up, what it was...