Great Thanksgiving Listen

This interview was about family and learning what time was like when my dad was living, and pieces of advice

Storycorps Great Thanksgiving Listen

I asked my interviewee about her childhood memories, relationship with her parents, lessons she’s learned throughout school and work, how she met her husband, why she chose to live in Esko, how she wants to be remembered, and what she...

Shop Talk and Haunted Houses

Talking with my aunt Hallie about her job as a florist and some childhood memories.

World History Interview

This is a quick interview of me and my mom.

Taking A Step Back Into Yolanda Barfield’s Life

After interviewing my mom I realized how proud she is of myself and my dad. It was clear after struggling with my grades in the beginning it paid off by putting in effort in all my classes. My mother liked...

Gabrielle Azar-Levin and Philip Azar

Philip Azar (52) interviews his mother Gabrielle Azar-Levin (73) about her family and her life, particularly her younger years in Tehran, Iran.