The Story Of Alaina Braxton

On January 4th 2023, Luci Greisman (15) interviewed her grandmother, Alaina Braxton (68). Alaina Braxton was born in 1956 and during this interview, Alaina Braxton shared her love of travel, talked about immigrating to the United States from Ireland, and...

Veronica Fischmann and Jenni Lippold

One Small Step conversation partners Veronica (36) and Jenni (42) have a conversation about their backgrounds growing up and living in different places, their experiences living abroad in Italy, and their views on having diverse communities and perspectives in their...

The Great Thanksgiving Listen 11/29/17

Eoin Connolly, an Irish immigrant, tells his story. He answers questions about education, religion, marriage, the transition to the USA, and other social and comical topics.

Andy and Sharon Allison (picture of Garrett Hinshaw and Andy Allison)

Sharon and Andy Allison were discussing their youth, where they lived, their marriage and up to moving into Indian Head Park, interviewed by Tom Hinshaw

Veronica Chudoba and her dad Greg

Veronica asking her dad (Greg) about his job and what he does at ComEd.

Interview With Granny

This was a short interview with my granny that focused on the highlights of her life and her career as a dog groomer.