My father, Daniel Riedy

I interviewed my father about his life. He tells me about all of these stories and even Whitehall itself. He guides me trough his life up to now and it is a very interesting journey.

Grandpa ford interview

Asked my grandfather about life and his upbringing

Interview with Rafa Castillo

This is an interview with Rafa Castillo, my cousin. Ask a few questions about himself and his life.

My Grandmother’s Life

We talked about my grandmother's life and her experiences.


We talked about Fabio’s childhood, his regrets, his favorite happiest memory, what he is grateful for.

A hundred years of memories with Josephine

An interview with Josephine in April 2019, born in December 1918 in westerly Rhode Island. A lover of dogs with a zest for life and a heart of gold.

Konner Raines Interview

I asked him questions about his life that I thought might have instesting awnsers to the question.