Papa and Arielle

My Papa talks about how our family immigrated from Guyana to America. He talks about his childhood in Guyana, and transitioning to the United States as an adult.

We came here for a better life. I am thankful that we found one.

Snejka Sotirova (82) talks to her granddaughter, Deia Colosi (13) about her life during the rise of communism in Bulgaria and their decision to immigrate. This interview was recorded in Port Jefferson on November 24, 2022. The topics discussed are...

"This too shall pass" Marie and Hannah Presnal talk about living in a third world country then moving to the US.

Marie Presnal came to the US in 2000 from the Philippines. She married Hannah’s father in 2001 after 9/11.

Frank Xu and Hannah Xu

Conducted on April 21st in Santa Monica, California, Frank Xu (51) discusses with Hannah Xu (16) about his immigrant experience in America. He reflects on his experiences and the expectations he held when he first came in 1999.

Jameson Interviews Tricia about Lena Teinila, Her Mother's Unsolved Murder, Rejection, and Reconciliation

Jameson O'Neal talks with his mother, Tricia O'Neal, about her mother, Lena Teinila, as well as several other family members. Jameson and Tricia discuss rejection, reconciliation, and how those life lessons come full circle. Lena Teinila's homicide is the only...

Interview With my Father: Life Lessons from Growing up in India and Moving to the United States

In this interview I ask my dad questions about his childhood, from his hometown, to college, and even moving to the US to continue his education and eventually settle down. I get to ask him questions which I never previously...

Interview with my Uncle

My uncle and I talk about moving to the U.S., his career, and social issues, including immigration, medical coverage, and racism.

Immigration: Indonesia to the United States

My father and I discuss his experience in moving from Indonesia to America alone to find a better education as an ethnically Chinese individual during the 1960s, a time with an anti-Chinese Indonesian government.