"It's literally a chance for everyone to bring something to the table"

Troy Public Radio Host Joey Hudson and his wife Tram Nguyen discuss the differences in how Americans and Vietnamese people celebrate holiday traditions.

Adjusting to a foreign land

Nicholas “Nicky” Weinstock had jumped headfirst into an entirely new civilization, with no knowledge of the language or culture. Nicky’s son, Lincoln Weinstock, interviews him about his experience in Africa. Nicky tells about his near-death malaria experience, what it was...

Literary Merit: Haaris Rathore and Alia Rathore discuss "Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini

In this discussion we discuss about themes and questions about the book "Kite Runner" as well as discussing a possible reason to why Khaled Hosseini was motivated to write this book.

My Dad's Journey to America and How Technology Affects Today's Generation

I spoke with my dad about how he came to America from Egypt when he was 16 years old. We also talked about the difference between the times we're growing up in as well as how now technology impacts the...

A Conversation with my Friend's Dad about Technology affects the Workspace and American Culture

Mr. Kundu and I have a conversation on his experiences and difficulties (or lack theorf) in coming to America, through his education to working up the corporate ladder and eventually starting his own consulting business. Then we go on a...

Lit Life: Nathan and Mary Kim talk about The Great Gatsby

In this recording, brother and sister discuss about F. Scott Fitzgerald's book and some of the lessons or messages he is trying to convey through this novel.

An Interview With My Mom

I interview my mom about the cultural differences between America and the Phillipines and about her childhood in the Phillipines and her immigration process an transition to America.

How 9/11 Changed The World Forever

I talk with my parents regarding the impact of the events of 9/11 and how they affected the rest of the world.

Interview with my mom.

I ask my mom some questions to find out more about her past