Jeffrey Clark and J.D. Gerber
August 14, 2023 OSS Hub

One Small Step conversation partners Jeff Clark (60) and J.D. Gerber (74) talk about smaller government, being a libertarian, a humanist and a Viet Nam War era conscientious objector.

Hilary Coakley and Bradley Baker

In a One Small Step conversation Hilary Coakley (54) and Brad Baker (65) discuss the role religion plays in their lives, politicians they admire, the importance of freedom of opinion, fear of the divisiveness in the United States, and the...

John McGown and Kathleen Hotham

Kathleen Hotham (72) interviews her friend John McGown (73) about the journey of his life, including his favorite childhood memories, highlights of his career as a tax attorney, and best moments as a family man and husband.