My Friend, the Captain

My grandmother, Carol Butscher, tells a story about the time she picked up a navy base captain in her car and her ability to talk openly with anyone, no matter their rank or place in society.

My dad

Me and my dad talk a lot about his past and all the sports he played what he did with his friends and he told about how my grandma was like and stories about his past I think this interview...

Interview about the Lusitania and life in the 50’s

We talk about her family who was on the Lusitania, how it affected her, and how life was in the 50’s.

An Architect in Milwaukee

In this interview I asked about his time at Peck Foods, his jobs as an Architect, and the importance of learning. As well as, how all of experiences in life are extremely important.

Interview With My Grandpa Herbert Prochnow

This interview is with my grandpa and I while we met during thanksgiving. We covered areas of his younger life, and I certainly learned a lot of things about him that I never knew!

Nelson’s interview

We talk about Nelson Davis’s life and the times he grew up in.