Military and Mental Health

A dialogue on the stigmas faced by men in the military.

My Experience With Bullying And How That Has Changed My Perspective On Leadership

Audrey and I talk about my experience with moving across the country, going through bullying, and my mental health journey and how I feel like these things impacted how I present myself as a leader.

Dealing with PMDD in College

My sister Elizabeth talks openly about navigating mental health in college and her diagnosis of PMDD.

Junko Takamatsu’s Story of America with her Granddaughter Lauren Kwong

Junko Takamatsu (age 74) is an Japanese American woman born after WWII. She shares her story of coming from Japan to the America. Her granddaughter, Lauren Kwong (age 16) asks her questions about her life in America.

Life in Quarantine: Aniceto Andres Solares Part 1

After living through a pandemic since March 2020, five people share their unique experiences and how the COVID-19 outbreak has affected their lifestyle, mental health, physical health, views, etc. Recorded August 16, 2020

Prostate Cancer in the African-American Community

Leroy Harmon Jr talks about his experience with prostate cancer and the effects it has on him and the black community.

“I don’t know whether to feel sad, angry, or lost.”

Shay Makinde & Pedro Damasceno speak prior to a vigil held for the victims of the tragedy at Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14th, 2018— a day prior to the date of this conversation. Shay shares his first-hand experience...

interview with dad
November 6, 2022 App Interview

An interview with Kenneth Knox, age 42. Talks about his views on his life, family, abortion, and mental health.