2022 Great Thanksgiving interview
November 28, 2022 App Interview

Olivia Lovett (16) talks with her great uncle Al Bennett (84) about his life in the military, how he met his wife, his career after that, what family means to him and opinions about the world

Aiden Briesacher and Kelly Barnes

Aiden Briesacher: 2020-11-29 21:07:51 Aiden Briesacher (17) speaks with her Aunt, Kelly Barnes (50), about her life. Travel experiences in India, Japan, London, China, Australia and more as well as childhood memories, life in different countries, and a surprise reveal...

Clayton Dixon on integrity, faith, and love.

Eliana Dixon (20) talks to her father, Clayton Dixon (62) about his childhood in Michigan, and his extraordinary life in Okinawa, Japan when he served in the Marines. She also talks to him about where his decisions in his life...

Alan Cowan and Graeme Cowan

On August 8, 2015, I interviewed Alan Russell Cowan, my Dad, about his life lessons. I asked him about the people who had been important to him in his life. He discussed his parents Hiram and Marjorie Cowan, his wife...